Energy Efficiency Board Committees & Workgroups
The Energy Efficiency Board (EEB) has established several committees and workgroups to focus on areas critical to its work.
The Board's standing committees include:
- The Commercial and Industrial (C&I) Committee
- The Evaluation Committee
- The Residential Committee
- The EEB/Green Bank Board Joint Committee
In March 2022, the Board hired a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Consultant to assess the Energize CT Portfolio and provide recommendations. ILLUME was selected through a public RFP process and began work in the second quarter of 2022. The DEI Consultant will work with the Board, Companies, Board Consultants and other stakeholders to develop recommendations for performance metrics, program changes, and more. Each year a Workplan and Budget are approved by the Board, and guide the DEI Consultant's work. 2022 Workplan | 2023 Workplan
Through 2018, the EEB convened a quarterly Marketing Workgroup in partnership with the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP). This Workgroup is not currently operating.
In addition, from time-to-time the EEB convenes short-term special purpose committees to address matters before the Board, including dispute resolution, development and issuance of RFPs, and development of specialized documents as may be necessary.